Curious about what's happening in the stock market? Every month, the alooola® team summarizes the key takeaways in a quick, easy-to-understand article!
What Do I Need to Know?
Election Elevations, Money Marvels, and Pricey Bliss
The 50 worst-performing stocks of 2022 orchestrated an impressive comeback in 2023, boasting an average gain of 50.2%. 1
Meanwhile, the 50 best-performing stocks of 2022 seemed to have taken a leisurely stroll down memory lane, managing only a modest 6.2% gain in 2023. A tale of two extremes, indeed!
It seems as if investors are collectively holding their breath in 2024 with a presidential election on the horizon.
Historically, money market funds experience a threefold surge in flows during these politically charged times compared to the calm post-election period. 2
Interestingly, despite the nerves, the S&P 500 has only witnessed negative returns in 2 out of the last 20 election years (2000, 2008). It's like the market has its own election-day magic!*
Here's to hoping the stock market goes on an upward climb this year... Especially because its performance may impact your happiness.
According to a recent survey, 59% of Americans are believers that money can buy happiness, with the going rate pegged at a cool $1.2 million. 1
Gen Z, ever the optimist, set their price of happiness at $488,000, while Millennials, aiming for the stars, have their eyes on a lavish $1.7 million.
*Past performance is not indicative of future performance
Cocktail Party Facts
Brace yourselves for the Apple effect!
The tech giant's value is inching closer to rivaling the entire stock market of France! 3
Maybe they got jealous of Microsoft which already has a market value larger than the entire GDP of Canada.
Financial Wellbeing
IRA Contributions
Did you know that the government increased the amount of money you can contribute to your IRA account in 2024?
Last year you could only contribute $6,500, this year you can contribute $7,000 (or $8,000 if over the age of 50). *
*Talk to your alooola® or other financial advisor for specific details about your contribution limits
1 - MFS - "Beyond the News"
2 - Capital Group- "Investing in an Election Year"
3 - Advisor Hub - "Forget the top 5, These stocks were the biggest movers in the S&P 500 in 2023"
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Disclosure: alooola® is a branded investment advisory service provided by Glen Eagle Advisors, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Adviser. The Glen Eagle Advisors, LLC, brochure provides an explanation of the service and its fee structure. Material presented is for informational purposes only, and is not meant to be advice to any individual. Talk with alooola® to see how this information may apply to you. Consider your current financial situation, tolerance for risk, and investment objectives before you invest funds in securities through alooola®. For a more complete explanation of the alooola® service, please visit www.alooola.com. This email includes factual data based on articles published by Reuters, Wall Street Journal, Barrons Magazine, Apollo Chief Economist Research, BofA Global Research, MFS Research "By the Numbers", and Bloomberg.